Tanzania Coffee Research Institute (TaCRI)
TaCRI, incorporated in 2000 as a company limited by guarantee and without share capital under the Companies Ordinance (CAP. 212), became legally constituted and operational in September 2001 with the major objective of rejuvenating the Tanzania coffee industry, placing new emphasis on stakeholder-led, demand-driven research for development.
For more details see the TaCRI Memorandum & Articles of Association.
Objective of TaCRI is to rejuvenate the Tanzania coffee industry by placing new emphasis on the role of stakeholder-led and client demand-driven RESEARCH FOR DEVELOPMENT. The Institute provides a crucial public service to stakeholders in the country’s coffee industry by providing coffee producers with relevant and practical technological innovations and advice to improve productivity and quality but also enhance profitability and livelihoods for coffee producers and increased competitiveness of Tanzanian coffee on the world market.

TaCRI Lyamungu Head Office